Is it really end of October?

Motivational quote

At the end of October let’s have this quote to be just set in great mood to plan quickly what we will do today and then follow it. So, my choice of the quote of today is: β€œI don’t believe in failure. It’s not…

Another month past

Empowering quote - piano practice

Hi again, another month past, time to sit back and just adjust what was done right, what wrong to improve. That is why my quote for today is: It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by…

Another step forward

Let's keep going

All right, let’s quickly start with a saying, quote to motivate ourselves to keep going. Today is directly from me, I hope it will work for you: Think about yourself as a river. Just keep going through countless turns, countless obstacles. You will find…

And Sunday again…

Piano practice quote

Even it is Sunday, we might need a bit of power to follow our dreams. Here is another quote that I hope will help us stay on the course. Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. – Benjamin…

Busy Saturday

As usually let’s start with quote that may inspire you to do a bit of work a bit of practice. Everything we do in life needs time and commitment to finally accomplish something. Let’s stay focus and motivated to do what is necessary to…

Let’s make this Friday unique

empowering quote

Quote first πŸ™‚ As usually let’s start with some quote that will help us to empower ourselves to do what is in our mind and sometimes it just needs a bit of kick to actually take an effort and do it. Take a look…

Rainy day? Great!

Let’s start with quick glance at the empowering quote above. If this one does not work for you, find some that will fire you up and do whatever you need to do today and of course make you PRACTICE today again πŸ™‚ I don’t…

Those mistakes…

Quote of a day

Who is perfect, right? I think perfection is something we pursue all our life. There is always some room for improvement even we are great. I am not, though, that is why my yesterday practice plan failed. I did only parts of it, mostly…

Tuesday can be great day too…

Piano practice - daily empowering quote

It is time to start our another day with piano. As usually I start with some empowering quote. If this quote does not empower you, just google different. Anything that works for you must be done. It is after all about you, and your…

Worse days happen…

There always were and there always be days like I have today when some unseen power pushes you to the ground. All that seems so easy to do becomes much harder to do on those days. But like in the quote above the only…