

I decided to skip creating ABOUT page, because all will be here in this MISSION page. So what is all about.

My name is Jaro and I decided to run this blog to record improvements in playing piano. I did practice to play for almost two years now, but I was doing it WRONG. You know, playing from time to time, I mean not regularly. Learning from different sources, which is not bad idea but has one big disadvantage in my case. I was spread to too many sources to learn piano, and I wasn’t consistent. During these two years I’ve learned that it is much better to stick to one source of knowledge, especially at the beginning of the journey to learn playing piano than to be spread with many, however maybe good but done wrongly. It doesn’t help to improve our piano skills. There is one advantage to it, though. You can by doing it find the right templates, software or teacher to use to progress in your piano learning quest. I was lucky and I found it. I found great software that works perfectly for me, and I hope you will find it as well useful for you. You can read more about it on: Discount code page. But, lets back to mission topic. I decided to use this software to record how practicing every day between 1 to 2 hours a day will improve your and mine progress in particular here to motivate you to do the same or something close to it, and enjoy playing piano on the way as well. So what I will do:

  •  First at the beginning I will describe where I am with my piano playing, how many hours I have been learning so far, what songs I can play, I will even record it – though you might be disgust listening to it. But it has to be done to have proper reference in future.
  • I will journal my ups and downs with tips I may find useful while progressing my knowledge in playing piano and theory knowledge as well. I will post it here on weekly basis but I will record my findings on daily basis. It will all be there on weekly post.
  • I will record my piano improvements and how I play after each week practice so you can hear and see that consistency makes a huge difference. With recording for now I already met some difficulties, so please be forgiving about the quality of my youtube records, especially at the beginning. I work on it. But as with many things, founds solve the problem, which at the moment I am struggling with.
  • I will try to learn playing new song each two weeks so it will be even easier to you and me as well to see the progress. This records will come on my youtube channel at least once a month (for now, I need to be more familiar with all that technical stuff like recording, running a blog, you tube channel etc).
  • To improve my piano skills, for now I will use only one software so you can easily follow the path and I hope you will be even more successful than I am. Software I am using is described there: Discount code. Note that I am learning on my own, I don’t use teachers or other sources, it is cheap and if I change something you will know immediately. I let you know so you can take advantage from it or simply don’t use it if it doesn’t work for you.
  • I will run as well Facebook page, youtube channel to keep you informed and up to date. (at the beginning not all of these channels will be running but step by step I will make them run, like I mentioned above, too much technicality hit me at once, and we can’t forget that this is about piano and FB, YT, blog are only means to spread the results and share knowledge with you and gain some knowledge from you at the same time.

Note that I am learning here, I am not an expert, I am going to record what it takes, what obstacles I meet, how I overcome these obstacles. Many teachers, experts etc. many times don’t remember and don’t share some tips after they master their field – I call them bad teachers :), however there are as well good teachers, if you have one that is great for you. To continue,  It is easy for them now to play and sometimes it is hard for them to give proper advice and understand and motivate properly. However, what I have learnt so far, one thing comes first: CONSISTENCY. That I believe is a true key to master not only piano playing but as well any sort of skills you and I want to build in ourselves.

Note that I am not to teach you how to play the piano, I am not in the position to do it since I have been learning how to play for some time already but my skills are below expected after these almost two years I spent having piano at home. But thumbs up I and you make a significant progress now. Good luck to you and me.

Oh, one more note here, I am not experienced and professional in building web blogs, youtube channels or facebook fun pages. So, if you find that I am doing something really wrong, and can do better that will work well for me and you, please contact me using details given there: CONTACT.

All right, lets move forward from here to blog section called by me: JOURNAL, where all the process is recorded in writing or/and video.

Please, subscribe, like or join my channels:

Facebook: soon will be set up 🙂

YouTube: Piano Practice Challenge Channel

It is good to note where I would like to be after some time. How long? I have no idea to be honest. The goal is to practice, practice and practice and of course I will share all with you.

I know I need to play many songs on the way which not necessary are my choice but I understand that these songs are the step to master skills to start playing material I will choose on my own. Below you can find some pieces I would be delighted to play one day, or more I will play, it is just a matter of time:

XXXX songs list will be here soon – working on it XXXX

Take care and have FUN,
